Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Big Switch Has Begun!

You know when you've been thinking about doing something for a long time, but just didn't know if you should or if it were a good idea?  I guess that could apply to anything, but for me it has applied to our business name!

To be honest, I've really struggled with it.  I mean, Daisy Creek Designs was a great name.  Cute, fun and the logo we got for it had the colors I loved.  But deep down, I knew something wasn't right.  I should have known when we started to add a line of printed shirts for boys mostly and couldn't quite get ourselves to sew the DCD tag into it!! :)  We brainstormed and came up with YourPersonaliTee for the boys shirts.  It was cute... but maybe too cutesy??

Then, we started adding dresses and leggings and were wanting to add even more, but neither name really fit.  And can I be honest??  Going back and forth between both emails, both Etsy accounts, both of everything was getting old... I mean, really old!

Now you see, this idea for a new name was still just floating around in my head.  Not even my husband really knew what was going on in there!!  And then we finally had the opportunity to meet with a SCORE mentor!  We had been trying to find the right time to meet for well over a year, not because we were a new business, but because we were continuing to grow, wanted to keep growing and wanted someone we could go to for advice.

Well, thank goodness because meeting with our mentor was just the push I needed.  As I was quickly scribbling down all the great ideas along with things to think about, he paused... and asked... What does your name have to do with what you do?  My husband and I just smirked and looked at each other and answered, "Nothing, really!"

And that's when it happened!  He said, "It needs to!  It needs to reflect what you do, be meaningful to you, be relatively short so it's easy to find, and think branding!"  WOW!  It was like someone smacked me in the forehead!!  We got in the truck and started going over all the great things he said and stopped at our name.  We both agreed... it needed to change!  So for about 24 hours (minus the ones when we were sleeping, kind of!), we tried to come up with something. 

And then it hit me!  We were trying to hard to incorporate our initials and our daughter's initials, that maybe letters aren't what we want at all!  Maybe numbers were the answer!  So, we came up with Studio 1286 Clothing Company.  Now I know it wasn't short, but we were mainly going to use the first part.  And it was definitely meaningful!  12 for my husband's birthday month, 8 for mine and 6 for our daughter.  We figured we worked in a little studio and that was that. 

Except... it still wasn't quite right!  We had been going to our daughter's dance classes quite a bit and everytime I saw the dance studio sign, I just wondered if we were sending the right message.  And then out of no where, I was online searching for something, and the answer came to me...

1286 Kids.

That's what we do... stuff for kids... perfect!  (now to just get everything switched over... yikes!!)

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